Here you can find some suggestions on filling out your JAAP form
JAAP Consultation as now been extended see below
London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Submission Document (Consultation ends: 26/04/2013 05:00 PM)
Complain about the JAAP consultaion itself, is it too complex, have you given up after attempting it , heres your chance using this pr-writen complaint form.
The JAAP refers to a range of policies that support further expansion at Southend Airport. Here is a hyperlink to the Rochford council internet site which provides an introduction: -
This is the hyperlink to the page where you can submit your objection: -
Here you will find a link to paragraph by paragrah help in filling in your form
You will see that you need to register to make an objection. You provide your e-mail address, create a password and provide a little personal information including your address. You can then work through the document.
There is a great deal of information in the JAAP and a couple of bits are inaccurate or out of date. Two of the maps in the paper version of the document are wrong. One shows an out of date map of the public safety area. Also the layout of the "policies" section, from page 23 onwards, is poor. It is at first sight difficult to tell which parts of the text relate to the various questions posed in the consultation.
So, to help you, I set out below a copy of an objection that the local SEEFoE group has submitted. You can draw information from this if you wish.
But, if you are short of time, I ask that, as a minimum, you object to the first introductory section.
On the JAAP website you click on this document: -
"London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Submission Document"
Click on
1. Introduction.
Click on the Green Pencil logo to show you are responding.
Indicate in the box that appears that you "object"
And type this in the comments box: -
Southend Airport has more housing in its immediate vicinity than any other regional airport in the UK. It is therefore grossly misleading for the JAAP document to suggest that the local councils have done anything to limit or reduce the number of people who suffer from aircraft noise. The councils have failed in their duty of care to the local population by doing everything in their power to increase flights and noise. The disgraceful decision to allow night flights poses a serious threat to the health of the people who now have to suffer absolute misery caused by the irresponsible and callous expansion of the airport. The document is unsound, it is based upon a series of false assumptions, including the claim that it will create jobs and that the airport is in any way "sustainable". Operations at Southend Airport are sucking money out of the UK economy by encouraging ever larger numbers of people to take holidays abroad. And it is impossible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by flying ever more aircraft. The first year of operations at the airport indicate that around 500 jobs have been created, of which around half were transferred from Stanstead. However an analysis provided by SEEFoE suggests that the number of tourists who travelled abroad exported around £300 million from the UK economy, which is equivalent to over 10,000 jobs lost to the Essex/London economy. Worse still the councils have squandered public money on various facilities associated with the airport and the airport has stripped £millions out of the local economy by devaluing property near the airport and flight path.
The last JAAP process showed that around 80% of respondents did not want the high growth scenario for airport expansion and an opinion poll last year showed that 61% of local people opposed expansion.
The policy to expand the airport serves as an example of unsound, unsustainable, irresponsible development. The JAAP supports the precise opposite of "evidence based policy". The local population oppose it and are suffering real misery as a result of the callous actions of the two councils.
You are then asked some questions. Please show: -
DPD Legally compliant - no
DPD sound - no
All four boxes ticked as reasons for unsound
You can opt to make your objections in person at any future public inquiry but you may prefer not to. It is up to you.