The GTP® Approved Provider Program allows organizations that offer business travel-related educational sessions the opportunity to award recertification credits to GTP® certification holders. The program is designed to enhance the ongoing professional development of GTP® credential holders by offering quality learning experiences related to the field of business travel management. One (1) recertification credit hour is awarded for 60 minutes of education. Time dedicated to non-educational activities, such as exhibit halls, meals, entertainment, and the like does not count toward recertification credits. GBTA will electronically forward the approved sessions to accepted applicants. For a full list of approved providers, please contact
Upon confirmation of your qualification as an Approved Provider, your company name will be listed as such with a hyperlink to your chosen URL. After which each of your offerings must be submitted for a content review to determine alignment with the GTP® exam, and the allowed credits to be awarded to the attendees.