All potential volunteers must be interviewed prior to being accepted. This is a selection process and not all applicants are accepted into the program. We reserve the right to place volunteers in the area is best suited to their skills and the needs of FCNN. Your name will be placed on our contact list and we will notify you regarding upcoming volunteer opportunities. We will contact you as trainings arise that may meet your skills and interests.
By submitting this application, I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all information given by me in this application and in any other forms I complete during the application process is true and correct. I understand that false or misleading statements made by me or consequential omissions of any kind in the application process, are sufficient cause for not being accepted as a volunteer or for being dismissed if I am already a volunteer at any time when discovered.
I authorize FCNN to investigate all of the information contained in this application. Any persons or organizations named are authorized to provide information regarding my employment, volunteer history, character, and qualifications and they are hereby released from all liability for providing such information. I understand that there will be an interview prior to my being accepted as a volunteer and I will be expected to complete the required training for volunteers.