This Nomination and Release Form (“Nomination Form”) MUST be completed and signed to enter. By submitting this Nomination Form, you acknowledge that you have read, or have had read to you, understand and agree to comply with all terms and conditions contained in the American Humane Lois Pope LIFE K-9 Medal of Courage Awards Official Rules (the “Official Rules”).
To be eligible to receive the American Humane Lois Pope LIFE K-9 Medal of Courage Awards, the nominated dog must have appropriate credentials as a retired Military Working Dog (MWD) or Contract Working Dog (CWD) and Sponsor has the right to request, require and verify the narrative story and credentials at any time. Each nominated dog must have served in a forward-deployed combat operation outside the U.S., be retired from MWD/CWD service, living at the time of nomination, and currently be located within the United States. Sponsor has the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any nominated dog that does not have satisfactory credentials and/or whose narrative story cannot be verified in Sponsor’s sole opinion. Nominated dogs must not be currently used in connection with a for-profit business owned or run by the owner or handler of the dog.