Due to the fraudulent applications of replacement certificates, requests must now include a sworn affidavit (attested by any commissioner of oaths (Police Station, Lawyer, Notary)) that the original is no longer in your possession (either through loss, theft or destruction). An affidavit cannot be older than three months of application for the replacement certificate.
Duplicate certificates will not be issued to those who still have the original in their possession (or in storage, or at their home residence, if abroad).
Copies will not be issued for use to be vetted by a third party company or authority or job applications.
Do not submit multiple applications of the same qualification as the most recent application uploaded will reset all previous applications submitted and the process will commence from the last upload date.
# Cost of reprinting qualifications is R 555.00 per qualification
Certiificate processing takes a minimum of 10 working days to process. Please note office hours are Monday to Friday only.