Woof In Boots operates a co-mingled boarding, daycare, training, and grooming environment, in which dogs interact with one another. This is different from an environment in which animals are caged and separated and I prefer this open environment even though certain risks are inherently associated with such a co-mingled environment. I recognize, accept and assume the risk that dogs may be injured when in a group environment, even when directly supervised. I authorize my dog to interact, under direct human supervision, with other dogs while at Woof In Boots.
I hereby waive and disclaim any claims or assertions of liability against Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, for any and all injuries sustained by my dog while on the Woof In Boots premises or if my pet escapes from the premises and is injured or killed as a result.
I acknowledge and agree that I remain responsible for any and all injures to other dogs or people, caused by my dog, directly or indirectly, while at Woof In Boots or in the unlikely event that my dog escapes from the premises, and agree that I will indemnify, defend and hold-harmless Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, from and against any direct or indirect claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, related to injuries to other animals or people caused by my dog.
I understand that if my dog shows any signs of aggression while at Woof In Boots, he/she may be restrained and/or confined, and my account may be charged an additional $15 per day to provide special services, such as walks and care.
I acknowledge and agree that in the unfortunate event my pet dies while in Woof In Boots care, my pet will be taken to my designated veterinarian and maintained for pick-up or further instruction by me. If I have not designated a veterinarian or, if for any reason my veterinarian refuses to accept custody of my pet, then I acknowledge and agree that Woof In Boots may take my pet to an alternative veterinarian or holding facility for pick-up or further instruction by me. I hereby waive and disclaim any claims or assertions of liability against Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, for the death of my pet.
I acknowledge that grooming can be uncomfortable for some pets and for the safety of Woof In Boots groomers all pets undergoing grooming will be tethered and/or muzzled, as determined in the groomer’s reasonable discretion. I hereby give the Woof In Boots groomers permission to tether and/or muzzle my pet to ensure a safe grooming process.
I agree that I will inform the groomer if my pet has fleas, lice, and/or mites in order to take proper precautions and treatments. I authorize the groomer to treat my pet for any fleas, lice, and/or mites if found during the grooming process, and if necessary as determined in the groomer’s reasonable discretion, to confine my pet.
I agree that if my pet requires extra groomer assistance, as determined by the groomer in his or her reasonable discretion, there will be a $10.00 "Special Handling" charge in addition to any other associated charges. I agree that if the groomer determines in his or her reasonable discretion that my pet’s coat is matted whatsoever, I may be charged an extra "Matting Fee." I agree to pay any additional fees upon pick-up.
By my signature below, I hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, harmless against any claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or in any manner resulting from the transportation, daycare, grooming, and any and all other activities of my pet, on or off premises, while in the care of Woof in Boots.
To ensure the protection of all pets under our care, Woof In Boots requires the following vaccinations:
• Dogs: Rabies, Bordetella, & Distemper
• Cat: Rabies & Feline Distemper.
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that all vaccinations are current. I hereby waive and disclaim any and all assertion of liability or responsibility against Woof In Boots, for any expenses and/or veterinary bills if my pet contracts any illness that could be prevented by vaccination.
I hereby represent that my pet(s) are current on all vaccinations and to my knowledge, are not suffering from any transmittable virus or disease and hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, harmless against any claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or resulting from illnesses to other pets, caused by the foregoing representation being untrue.
I agree to inform Woof In Boots of any pre-existing health conditions or concerns. I hereby waive and disclaim any claims or assertions of liability against Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, for any aggravation of any pre-existing health conditions and authorize Woof In Boots to do whatever is in the best and immediate interest of my pet's health.
If my pet becomes ill or injured, is suspected to be ill or injured, or if for any reason veterinary care is necessary, I authorize Woof in Boots to seek and provide veterinary care from a designated veterinarian of their choice. I acknowledge that Woof In Boots is not responsible for any charges for the treatment or boarding of my pet with the veterinarian in any such instance and by signing below, agree to promptly reimburse Woof In Boots for any and all such expenses or charges that they may advance on my behalf, with or without my prior authorization. I hereby acknowledge that Woof In Boots is not obligated, and is under no duty to, advance expenses on by behalf in any such instance.
Woof In Boots adheres to all Colorado Department of Agriculture rules and regulations. I acknowledge and agree that I have been given the opportunity to inspect the Woof In Boots facility prior to leaving my pet there and that I have determined it to be safe and in proper working order to perform related pet services covered under grooming, boarding, daycare, and training. I further acknowledge that Woof in Boots uses pet crates at their facility to feed and board pets throughout the day and overnights.
I hereby agree and acknowledge that if I request and am given access to areas of the Woof In Boots premises beyond the reception area, my access SHALL BE AT MY SOLE RISK and I assume said risk knowingly and will-fully. By my signature below I hereby waive and disclaim any claims or assertions of liability against Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, for injuries that I may sustain in the course of such access and further, agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, from and against any direct or indirect claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, related to my access.
I authorize Woof In Boots and their employees to enter and access my residence hereby disclaim and waive any claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of said access and/or for any incident while visiting my pet outside at my home, work, or other agreed to location.
Further, by my signature below, I hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, harmless against any claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or resulting from any incident while visiting my pet outside at my home, work, or other agreed to location.
I understand and accept that there are inherit risks associated with grooming, daycare, boarding, and transportation of dogs. I hereby I hereby waive and disclaim any claims or assertions of liability against Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, for any disease, infection, or injury resulting in illness or death of my pet while in Woof In Boots care, whether the incident occurs on or off the premises.
I acknowledge that Woof In Boots is permitted by the State of Colorado and the City of Denver to sell and serve alcohol on its premises. By my signature below, I hereby agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Woof In Boots from any claims, damages, losses and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of or related to the consumption of alcohol by me while on premises of Woof In Boots. Similarly, by signing below I hereby waive and disclaim any and all claims of liability against Woof In Boots, its owners, officers, directors, agents and employees, for injuries or damages that I may sustain after consuming alcohol on the premises of Woof In Boots.