Red Flags Checklist
Go through this and check what applies.
Red Flags Checklist
Talks bad about previous pastor
Talks bad about previous boss
Talks bad about previous church
Talks bad about previous company
Talks bad about family members
Clashes or fights in the past with pastor?
Other past clashes with authority figures?
Likely running away from something or someone, not running to us because of us.
Any debt?
Significant or worrisome amount of debt?
Student Loans?
Dependent on parents or others for financial support?
Likely emotionally dependent on parents or someone else?
Has never worked a traditional job before?
No significant work experience to show commitment to a job for a significant time?
Has never lived on their own for significant amount of time?
Has never lived away from parents or significant family members except for college?
Very young?
Paying Car Note?
Have Mortgage on house?
Should be Empty: