This initiative is designed to improve access, and reduce disparities and costs, in health care through the development of telehealth, sensors and services, and gaming technologies. Particular emphasis is on improving outcomes and services to persons with chronic disease at the patient, provider, or system level, as aligned with the aims of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Specific research topics solicited under this initiative include:
a. Service and care management solutions: Complex chronic care management, integration of service/human factors and technology, advances in patient and provider engagement, services addressing access and disparities, innovative and sustainable telehealth and telemedicine programs
b. New platforms and sensors: Tele-immersion, 3D visualization, virtual reality, wireless, telehealth and telemedicine devices, passive sensors, imbedded sensors, interoperable systems, improved user interface
c. Integrated wireless, mobile and apps health care solutions: Game-based learning, behavior-change programs, social network solutions
d. Technology solutions for aging and chronic disease: Health care technology solutions for prevention, health promotion, and chronic disease management for older adults, innovative technology solutions for informal and formal caregivers
e. Data analytics: Sensor networks and algorithms, EMR integration and analytics, population health solutions, data management and analytics