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To ensure all schedules are posted asap, TEAMS may no longer register. If you'd like to check to see if there's still room for your team, email to ask. Sorry.
*STOP!* IF YOU DO NOT CURRENTLY HAVE A TEAM, Click here to sign up for our Free Agency. Once signed up, several teams will contact you and you may choose the best fit for your player. We'll even send you questions that you can ask them to ensure you get on the team that's best for you. Once you've found a team, come back to this form to officially sign up. Thank you, and good luck this year!
6 THINGS TO NOTE BEFORE YOU REGISTER:Â - Each team must have at least 8 paid players, and no more than 12.- There's a discount for paying for 9 or more players at once.- Teams with less than 8 must either find a Free Agent willing to pay or pay for at least 8 player spots.- Teams must pay for at least one player PER TEAM now, and the rest may pay later on their own.- Prices will rise the later you register.- Please enter your name and your team name as accurately as possible.
By proceeding, you are agreeing to J.A.M.'s Terms of Service
Every team must be officially registered. A player or a coach can register your team by paying for at least one player during the process. Teams register with this form by selecting a team administrator or coach, and by selecting preferred game days, locations, and times. Teams failing to officially register will not have their preferences met. Thank you.
When would you prefer to play? (This is optional, and we will try to accomodate at least 75% of your games. We heavily advise you make your second and third options apparent.)
note: If your team is unable to pay for at least 8 players, the team's Contact is responsible for that payment by season's end. Check our Free Agency list if you need any additional players. Upon registration, you will receive the password to that list to contact as many players as you need.